About the Author.

“…to enjoy your work and accept your lot in life – this is indeed a gift from God.” Ecc. 5:19

I am a full time wife and mother happily accepting the lot God has given me today. I try to keep order of my handsome college sweetheart and best friend of the past eight years, our blissfully happy two year old, our lunatic one year old chocolate lab, and the newest addition growing quickly in my belly almost ready to make the big debut.

Understanding that there is a season for everything, I go about my days trying to accept the finger print stained couches, relishing in the little life that runs around me like a wrecking ball from morning til night; grateful forever to my big, bald, smokin’ hot husband for the opportunity to raise our kids. And animals.

I have developed a passion for baking, cooking, and living healthier in the process. I am always looking for ways to sneak something green into a meal. I am trying my luck at living a facebook free life, but still enjoying chronicling special moments through blogging.

There is nothing extraordinary about our family, but we are happy and have a lot of fun together. And well, sometimes I just want to tell everyone about it.

Enjoy our tales.

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